Forside Fora Medier/Kunst/Kultur Film & TV Star Wars – The Acolyte

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  • #0
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    Sørme om der ikke kommer mere Star Wars nu. Jeg glæder mig faktisk allerede

    "Arguing with retards is like playing chess with a pigeon: No matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, crap on the board and strut around like it's victorious"

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  • #31
    • E-peen: 1,073

    Ser ud til at Marvel/Disney er ved at vågne op.

    Acrolyte season 2 Cancelled.

    Gore stated, “I do know people who work at Marvel. They have cleaned house. They quietly, months ago fired all the producers that could be labeled activist.”

    Go woke, go broke.

    In contrast, he said, “Kevin Feige recognizes… basically, he said that we tried it, it didn’t work. He’s talking about Phase 4. It didn’t work. No Kang. None of these side characters that don’t have the legacy of classic characters. And if Deadpool and Wolverine proves anything, you’ve heard that phrase ‘male and pale is stale,’ that was spoken aloud across studios, but if you look at box office this year, I would say male and pale is money. And that’s the phrase that I think people should more adopt.”

    Rumor: Marvel Studios Cleaned House And Fired Activist Producers

    • Dette svar blev ændret 6 måneder, 3 uger siden af knekker.
    • Dette svar blev ændret 6 måneder, 3 uger siden af knekker.
    • Dette svar blev ændret 6 måneder, 3 uger siden af knekker.
    • Dette svar blev ændret 6 måneder, 3 uger siden af knekker.
    • E-peen: 1,342

    #31 det kan også næsten kun blive bedre, end hvad vi har fået den seneste tid.

    • E-peen: 872

    Og nu er det kommer ud at det har nærmer kostet mellem 230-300$ millioner, og er det starwars med laveste seertal. Det er en hel del dyre end Dune som har store stjerne med.
    Hvis det ikke er et money scheme af en eller anden art ved jeg sku ikke længere hvad er op og ned, de må virkelig have taget sig en god løn.

    Tror ikke der er noget salg i merch for the acolyte som de jo også er stor fan af.
    – 335 million minutes of viewing which Deadline said was the lowest for a Star Wars series finale

    – It is music to the ears of the UK government as it benefits from studios spending in the country on everything from security and catering to prop manufacturing and visual effects. Testimony to this, The British Film Institute’s latest Screen Business report found that for every $1.33 (£1) of film tax relief given to productions in 2019, it generated $11.08 (£8.30) for the UK economy.

    This spending, and the tax that is paid on it, is why the UK government offers rich rewards for studios to film in the UK. In order for them to get the cash reimbursement for streaming shows they must spend at least $1.3 million (£1 million) per broadcast hour. The Acolyte had spent more than 20 times that amount before post production was even complete.

    Although the show was staggeringly expensive, it is still one of the cheapest Star Wars productions made in the UK. In comparison, The Acolyte’s costs are nearly three times lower than the sum spent on 2015’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which is the most expensive movie in history as we revealed. However, remarkably, The Acolyte’s spending beats it in one area.

    In the year to September 24, 2023 The Acolyte employed 344 production staff without even including the freelancers who make up the majority of the crew on a shoot. Their total pay package came to $26.8 million (£20.1 million) which is more than any other Star Wars production filmed in the UK has spent on staff in any single period.

    Keeping local production staff in work is another reason that the UK government gives studios such generous benefits for filming. The financial statements reveal that The Acolyte received a total of $46.5 million (£34.8 million) bringing its net spending down to $183.6 million. Although there is no doubt from the filings about how much it cost to make, it is much harder to say how much money it made.

    Unlike theatrical releases, which share ticket sales between studios and exhibitors, Disney receives all of the revenue from its streaming platform. Disney+ subscribers pay a single fee which grants them access to all of its new content throughout the year making it impossible to determine how much subscription revenue is generated by each streaming show.

    Regardless of the furore from fans, The Acolyte doesn’t seem to have been a moneyspinner when it comes to merchandise. As our Forbes colleague Paul Tassi wrote, Disney has deleted all official Acolyte merchandise from its store, though he added that it also isn’t available for certain other Star Wars streaming shows. Nevertheless, he pointed out that old links to specific items didn’t just have a sold-out page, the listings were gone completely and returned error pages.

    Coupled with the cancellation of the second series it caused some fans to fear that The Acolyte could be removed entirely from the Disney+ archive in order for Disney to get a tax write-off as Warner Bros. did by scrapping its largely complete Coyote vs. ACME and Batgirl movies before they hit theaters.

    The fans’ worries have proved to be unfounded and there is no suggestion this will happen to The Acolyte. Some went as far as to say that it isn’t even possible for a studio to get a tax write-off by pulling a production from the archive of a streaming platform but that is far from correct.

    A production (whether it’s a movie or a streaming show) is listed as an asset on the financial statements of a studio. Before it is released, its value is typically based on its production cost whereas once it debuts, its box office forecast and takings can be used to calculate this figure.

    If a movie is scrapped once it is complete, its value on the studio’s balance sheet is reduced to zero because it can’t generate any revenue. In financial parlance, this is what is known as a write-down and the studio gets an impairment charge equivalent to it. The impairment charge reduces the studio’s tax bill in acknowledgement of the fact that it spent money on an asset which was not commercially viable.

    Similarly, if a show is complete and sitting on a streamer, it too is an asset to the studio. The studio ascribes a value to it based on the subscriptions or advertising it could generate so if it is pulled from the platform, its value is written down and there is a tax-efficient impairment charge.

    This is precisely what happened in May last year when more than 50 titles were removed from Disney+ and Hulu including series such as Willow, The Mysterious Benedict Society and Dollface.

    The impact was seen in Disney’s third quarter filings which revealed that “in the current quarter, the company recorded charges of $2,440 million related to the removal of content from our DTC services.” It added that “due to the significance of this charge on pre-tax income, our reported effective tax rate for the current quarter is negative 14.2%. Excluding the impact of this charge, the effective income tax rate on continuing operations would have been approximately 25.5%.”

    It gave Disney a tax bill of just $19 million, down from $617 million in the same period the previous year. Now that is a force to be reckoned with.

    • E-peen: 1,399

    Jeg tror et af de store problemer i Hollywood er at pengefolkene ofte ikke kan se forskel på et godt og et dårligt manuskript.

    • E-peen: 1,954

    Jeg så den for to uger siden.

    Den havde få lyspunkter. Carrie Ann-Moss og Sol-gutten var højdepunktet, samt Sith’en indtil han tog masken af.

    Jeg blev ikke stødt af nogle liberale dagsordener. Man skal godt nok være krænkelsesparat for at blive ramt her.

    I stedet var det er sløjt cast, dårlig dialog, ringe plot og spøjst tempo.

    Head Rusher
    • E-peen: 3,636

    Jeg blev ikke stødt af nogle liberale dagsordener. Man skal godt nok være krænkelsesparat for at blive ramt her.

    Glad for jeg ikke er den eneste. Kan godt nok pege på mange andre ting der er mere woke

    I stedet var det er sløjt cast, dårlig dialog, ringe plot og spøjst tempo.

    Jep. Absolut ikke på niveau med Mando

    • E-peen: 1,073

    #33 skatte spekulation så det batter. Så klamt af de får lov til at slippe afsted med det.

    Problemet med Disney og deslige, er at de gik fra at spytte den ene success film ud efter den anden, til at udgive det ene ragelse efter den anden, efter som de stoppede med at bestræbe sig på at hyre de mest kvalificeret forfattere til jobbet, til i stedet at kunne sætte flueben ud fra hudfarven og deres seksuelle orientering på de folk som de hyre til jobbet.


    • Dette svar blev ændret 5 måneder, 1 uge siden af knekker.
    • Dette svar blev ændret 5 måneder, 1 uge siden af knekker.
    • Dette svar blev ændret 5 måneder, 1 uge siden af knekker.
    • Dette svar blev ændret 5 måneder, 1 uge siden af knekker.
    • E-peen: 235

    Blev færdig med den i går.

    Fesen omgang: 3,5/10

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