- Dette emne har 19 svar og 10 stemmer, og blev senest opdateret for 1 år, 5 måneder siden af Canis_lupus.
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03/08/2023 kl. 12:12 #0Canis_lupusRusherOffline
Der er ingen diskussion, musikken, scenariet, lynnedslaget, kampen, tonen. Det er en af de bedste openings efter min mening 🤩
Oprettet afEmne
03/08/2023 kl. 12:17 #1Canis_lupusRusher#0 Trådstarter
- 923 Indlæg
OfflineOg denne kamp er også fed
03/08/2023 kl. 22:09 #3PaybacktimeRusher- 1206 Indlæg
OfflineNuff said.
I ain't got time to bleed
04/08/2023 kl. 10:08 #4GhidoraRusher- 1346 Indlæg
OfflineGL & HF
04/08/2023 kl. 15:21 #5PjulledkRusher- 228 Indlæg
OfflineEr der noget jeg har misforstået eller hedder det ikke Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? syntes da ikke jeg har hørt Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles før
04/08/2023 kl. 15:52 #6Canis_lupusRusher#0 Trådstarter- 923 Indlæg
OfflineIngen tvivl om at turtles introen er legendarisk. Men det er ikke anime, da det ikke er japansk 😄
04/08/2023 kl. 17:02 #7KenkariModerator- 3363 Indlæg
OfflineIngen tvivl om at turtles introen er legendarisk. Men det er ikke anime, da det ikke er japansk 😄
Anime kan sagtens laves i USA f.eks. Det er bare to ord for det samme. Anime er den japanske betegnelse mens animation er den engelske betegnelse for det. Animering via computer eller håndtegning.
Moving on
"Arguing with retards is like playing chess with a pigeon: No matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, crap on the board and strut around like it's victorious"
05/08/2023 kl. 16:26 #8DeadlightsRusher- 1360 Indlæg
OnlineDet ødelægges af hvor pixeleret og blurry videon er desværre.
#5 Nogle steder, inklusive i Danmark, hed de Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles i en årgang grundet negative associationer ved ordet “ninja.”
05/08/2023 kl. 21:27 #9MikaaRusher- 129 Indlæg
Offline/thread 🤩
"Help me, Premature Ejaculation Man!"
Premature Ejaculation Man: "I'm coming!"05/08/2023 kl. 22:17 #10FunteXRusher- 283 Indlæg
Offline07/08/2023 kl. 08:00 #11GhidoraRusher- 1346 Indlæg
Offline#5 Her er lidt sjov info fra wiki’en.
“In the United Kingdom, the series was originally released under the name Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (TMHT). This was due to the controversy surrounding ninjas and related weapons such as nunchaku at the time.[32] The intro sequence was heavily edited because of this, replacing the word ninja with hero or fighting, using a digitally faded logo instead of the animated blob, and removing any scenes in which Michaelangelo wields his nunchaku, replacing them with clips from the show.[33] Scenes of Michaelangelo using his nunchaku were likewise edited out of the episodes themselves, which led the American show runners to drop the weapons from the series entirely in the fourth season in order to make the show more appropriate for the international airings. The weapons were replaced with a grappling hook called the “Turtle Line” that served as Mikey’s signature weapon for the rest of the show’s run. The word ‘ninja’ was also edited out of any speech within the show, often leading to some awkward sounding dialogue.
When shown on the BBC, phrases such as “Let’s kick some shell!” and “Bummer!” were removed from the episodes (the latter may relate to a British slang term for anal sex). The series Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation was also referred to as Hero Turtles, possibly using the term hero to separate the television series from the live action movies. The 2003 television series, however, remained intact when shown in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. This led the UK and the Republic of Ireland to have a disambiguation between the two animated series, using Hero Turtles to separate the 1987 television series from the other incarnations of the franchise. In 2009, a DVD of the first two seasons was released under the Ninja Turtles branding, thus bringing this version of the franchise into line with the later versions.
The TMHT version was aired in other European countries, including the Republic of Ireland (except series 1, which had the original title), The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland, in local dubs (the Finnish version was in English with subtitles, while Polish was in English with a voice-over translation). In Denmark, the English censored version was aired on the national broadcaster TV2. It had subtitles as well, however, only seasons 2 and 3 were aired in this fashion. Season 1 was aired as one spliced feature, instead of the original five-part miniseries. The movie was titled The Epic Begins, and included heavy edits from each of the five episodes, and was also released to VHS in the US in 1988.[34]
After the 2 seasons had aired on Danish TV, the show was cancelled; however, it later returned with local dubs of episodes from season 5, and Denmark was also one of the first countries to get to see the episodes in which the turtles travel to Europe. These were also aired with subtitles.
The original series aired in early 2011 during the early morning hours on TV2 in Denmark. All 193 episodes have been re-dubbed, and this time they aired in their original US unedited form.”
07/08/2023 kl. 09:40 #12VampiricEyeRusher- 3859 Indlæg
Offline#11 Det første TMNT-spil til NES brugte også “Hero” her i vores del af verden.
Nintendo Influencer
På dansk: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-6I6HgrpYjimEpvayLu3Vg
På engelsk: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNNzj5gu0Iolj4vcNIp1IUA
07/08/2023 kl. 10:34 #13GhidoraRusher- 1346 Indlæg
Offline#11 Det første TMNT-spil til NES brugte også “Hero” her i vores del af verden.
Sjovt! 😉
Tror kun jeg spillede SNES spillet eller også var det en 2’er?
07/08/2023 kl. 12:32 #14VampiricEyeRusher- 3859 Indlæg
Offline#13 Turtles in Time?
Nintendo Influencer
På dansk: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-6I6HgrpYjimEpvayLu3Vg
På engelsk: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNNzj5gu0Iolj4vcNIp1IUA
07/08/2023 kl. 15:39 #15GhidoraRusher- 1346 Indlæg
Offline#13 Turtles in Time?
Ja! Det ser rigtig ud! 😉
Mega fedt den gang!
Mere offtåpik sorry!
Til dem der ikke ved det kan man hente Shredders revenge via netflix!
07/08/2023 kl. 15:47 #16TasRusher- 10 Indlæg
OfflineDa ingenting som slår Robotech 🙂
Her i remastered version så man kan se, hvordan det måske kunne tage sig ud i dag
07/08/2023 kl. 16:56 #17VampiricEyeRusher- 3859 Indlæg
Offline#15 Det er et beat ’em up (ligesom det nyeste), hvilket er helt anderledes end det første, jeg omtalte. Det er vel actionplatformer.
Men ja, off-topic ophører.:D
Nintendo Influencer
På dansk: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-6I6HgrpYjimEpvayLu3Vg
På engelsk: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNNzj5gu0Iolj4vcNIp1IUA
07/08/2023 kl. 17:30 #18Canis_lupusRusher#0 Trådstarter- 923 Indlæg
OfflineTMHT introen var langt bedre end den amerikanske TMNT intro.
Kvaliteten lyder bedre og de synger mere klart i ‘Hero’ versionen.10/08/2023 kl. 07:29 #19FunteXRusher- 283 Indlæg
Offline#16 Jo!!! Den originale, version med det rigtige navn: ¨Super Dimensional Fortress (SDF) Macross¨.
Robotech er en amerikaniseret, og infantilt udformet/redigeret udgave (navntligt titlen).
Skal man se den, så se originalen, robotech lyder bare dumt fra starten af . . . ^^’
10/08/2023 kl. 17:31 #20Canis_lupusRusher#0 Trådstarter- 923 Indlæg
OfflineDenne er også kult
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