Forside Fora Politik/Samfund Borgerforslag : Danmark skal fordømme israelske krigsforbrydelser i Gaza Svar til: Borgerforslag : Danmark skal fordømme israelske krigsforbrydelser i Gaza

  • 1176 Indlæg

A badly burned toddler screaming for the mother he doesn’t know is dead – and screaming because doctors do not have enough painkillers to relieve his suffering. An eight-year-old boy whose brain is exposed as bombing damaged parts of his skull. A teenage girl, her eye surgically removed, because every bone in her face is smashed. A three-year-old double amputee, whose severed limbs are laid out in a pink box beside him.

And in the background is the stench of rotting flesh as maggots “creep out of untreated wounds”

I funkekasset diser funkestyveren med sin dangenak på olmsk saster, for at fakke a kultes - alt mens han byser sin roï oc knup.