- Dette emne har 585 svar og 46 stemmer, og blev senest opdateret for 39 minuter siden af Kenkari.
Oprettet afEmne
29/01/2021 kl. 08:44 #0PjulledkRusher
- E-peen: 228
OfflinePost diverse random stuff I falder over😀
Jeg starter med en video fra den sindsyge historie om Reddit der udsletter Wall Street
Oprettet afEmne
21/09/2021 kl. 08:38 #151EmilsaRusher
- E-peen: 1,267
OfflineI funkekasset diser funkestyveren med sin dangenak på olmsk saster, for at fakke a kultes - alt mens han byser sin roï oc knup.
21/09/2021 kl. 23:08 #152medisterKongenRusher- E-peen: 562
OfflineHvorfor hedder det egentlig Roskildesyge?
22/09/2021 kl. 20:13 #153NickellModerator- E-peen: 1,916
OfflineEstuve pensando seriamente comprarle un gran danés
😂😂😂😜 pic.twitter.com/FcFPIC1AiL— Orxata i Fartons (@orxataicassalla) September 22, 2021
Jeg kan ikke lade være med til at grine
23/09/2021 kl. 19:12 #154StultusX2Rusher- E-peen: 2,039
OfflineAHA! Her har vi UFO’en, der er skyld i al den seneste halløj:
Go’e gamle Skunk Works® som sædvanlig 😉
My TIE! My nimble coffin! Og det ér KUNS med Collector's CD-ROM 1995!
En snarligt uddøende single Player med Logitech Wingman Extreme Digital 3D - der “skal tage sine piller og sætte sig ned bag i bussen”...24/09/2021 kl. 14:41 #155EmilsaRusher- E-peen: 1,267
OfflineJeg er en stor fan af hamherses kunst
I funkekasset diser funkestyveren med sin dangenak på olmsk saster, for at fakke a kultes - alt mens han byser sin roï oc knup.
26/09/2021 kl. 19:56 #156VampiricEyeRusher- E-peen: 3,876
OfflineSå er YT’s algoritme på spil igen. Men hey, det er da et bemærkelsesværdigt skud.
Nintendo Influencer
På dansk: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-6I6HgrpYjimEpvayLu3Vg
På engelsk: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNNzj5gu0Iolj4vcNIp1IUA
29/09/2021 kl. 21:27 #157EmilsaRusher- E-peen: 1,267
OfflineOsten 👏 skal 👏 svømme 👏 !!!!
I funkekasset diser funkestyveren med sin dangenak på olmsk saster, for at fakke a kultes - alt mens han byser sin roï oc knup.
29/09/2021 kl. 21:31 #158StultusX2Rusher- E-peen: 2,039
Offline#157 Tøseost!
My TIE! My nimble coffin! Og det ér KUNS med Collector's CD-ROM 1995!
En snarligt uddøende single Player med Logitech Wingman Extreme Digital 3D - der “skal tage sine piller og sætte sig ned bag i bussen”...30/09/2021 kl. 21:32 #159EmilsaRusher- E-peen: 1,267
Offline#158 – Stultus, jeg har fundet en af dine forfædre https://www.gutenberg.org/files/43453/43453-h/43453-h.htm
FOR THE KNOWING ONES.To mankind at Large the time is Com at Last the grat day of Regoising what is that why I will tell you thous three kings is Rased Rased you meane should know Rased on the first Royal Arch in the world olmost Not quite but very hiw up upon so thay are good mark to be scene so the womans Lik to see the frount and all people Loves to see them as the quakers will Com and peape slyly and feele glad and say houe the doue frind father Jorge washeton is in the senter king Addoms is at the Rite hand the present king at the Left hand father gorge with his hat on the other hats of the middel king with his sword king Addoms with his Cane in a grand poster Adtetoude turning his fass towards the first king as if they was on sum politicks king our present king he is stands hearing being younger and very deafe in short being one grat felosfer Looks well East & west and North & south deafe & very deafe the god of Natur has dun very much for our present king and all our former ones they are all good I want them to Live for Ever and I beleave thay will it is hard work to be A king—I say it is hardar than tilling the ground I know it is for I find it is hard work to be A Lord I dont desier the sound but to pleas the peopel at Large Let it gou to brak the way it dus for Asort ment to help a good Lafe to Cour the sick spleney goutey dul frames Lik my selfe with the goute and so on make merry a Chealy Christen is for me only be onnest No matter what they worshep son moune or stars or there wife or miss if onnest Live forever [8] money wont gitt thous figers so fast as I wish I have sent to Leg horn for many mr bourr is one Amonks others I sent in the grand Crecham thous 3 kings Are plane white colow at present the Royal Arch & figers cost 39 pound wate silver the hiest Councaton order in the world so it is sade by the knowing one I have only 4 Lions & 1 Lam up the spred Eagel has bin up 3 years upon the Coupelay I have 13 billors front in strat Row for 13 states when we begun 3 in the Rear 15 foot hie 4 more on the grass see 2 the same hath at the Rite of the grand Arch 2 at the left wing 15 foot hie the Arch 17 foot hie…..///
I funkekasset diser funkestyveren med sin dangenak på olmsk saster, for at fakke a kultes - alt mens han byser sin roï oc knup.
01/10/2021 kl. 23:00 #160DeadlightsRusher- E-peen: 1,382
OnlineEr du hurtig på hænderne?
02/10/2021 kl. 00:22 #161StultusX2Rusher- E-peen: 2,039
Offline#158 – Stultus, jeg har fundet en af dine forfædre https://www.gutenberg.org/files/43453/43453-h/43453-h.htm
FOR THE KNOWING ONES.To mankind at Large the time is Com at Last the grat day of Regoising what is that why I will tell you thous three kings is Rased Rased you meane should know Rased on the first Royal Arch in the world olmost Not quite but very hiw up upon so thay are good mark to be scene so the womans Lik to see the frount and all people Loves to see them as the quakers will Com and peape slyly and feele glad and say houe the doue frind father Jorge washeton is in the senter king Addoms is at the Rite hand the present king at the Left hand father gorge with his hat on the other hats of the middel king with his sword king Addoms with his Cane in a grand poster Adtetoude turning his fass towards the first king as if they was on sum politicks king our present king he is stands hearing being younger and very deafe in short being one grat felosfer Looks well East & west and North & south deafe & very deafe the god of Natur has dun very much for our present king and all our former ones they are all good I want them to Live for Ever and I beleave thay will it is hard work to be A king—I say it is hardar than tilling the ground I know it is for I find it is hard work to be A Lord I dont desier the sound but to pleas the peopel at Large Let it gou to brak the way it dus for Asort ment to help a good Lafe to Cour the sick spleney goutey dul frames Lik my selfe with the goute and so on make merry a Chealy Christen is for me only be onnest No matter what they worshep son moune or stars or there wife or miss if onnest Live forever [8] money wont gitt thous figers so fast as I wish I have sent to Leg horn for many mr bourr is one Amonks others I sent in the grand Crecham thous 3 kings Are plane white colow at present the Royal Arch & figers cost 39 pound wate silver the hiest Councaton order in the world so it is sade by the knowing one I have only 4 Lions & 1 Lam up the spred Eagel has bin up 3 years upon the Coupelay I have 13 billors front in strat Row for 13 states when we begun 3 in the Rear 15 foot hie 4 more on the grass see 2 the same hath at the Rite of the grand Arch 2 at the left wing 15 foot hie the Arch 17 foot hie…..///
Forklar! Gider ikke arbejdsrelateret – når i min Oase aka Rushers.dk? Fred og ro til at være som jeg nu er – inderst inde(Doven misantrop med håb om en snarlig stoisk ro)
My TIE! My nimble coffin! Og det ér KUNS med Collector's CD-ROM 1995!
En snarligt uddøende single Player med Logitech Wingman Extreme Digital 3D - der “skal tage sine piller og sætte sig ned bag i bussen”...04/10/2021 kl. 07:00 #162EmilsaRusher- E-peen: 1,267
Offline#161 – skrivestilen, det er tydeligvis nedarvet
I funkekasset diser funkestyveren med sin dangenak på olmsk saster, for at fakke a kultes - alt mens han byser sin roï oc knup.
06/10/2021 kl. 15:32 #163VampiricEyeRusher- E-peen: 3,876
OfflineDen har ligget på YT i over 14 år, og jeg griner stadig af den.:D “HOLD ON, HOLD ON!”.
Nintendo Influencer
På dansk: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-6I6HgrpYjimEpvayLu3Vg
På engelsk: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNNzj5gu0Iolj4vcNIp1IUA
08/10/2021 kl. 08:57 #164KenkariModerator- E-peen: 3,414
"Arguing with retards is like playing chess with a pigeon: No matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, crap on the board and strut around like it's victorious"
13/10/2021 kl. 16:05 #165DeadlightsRusher- E-peen: 1,382
Online13/10/2021 kl. 16:11 #166EmilsaRusher- E-peen: 1,267
Offline#165 – hahahaha “Jeg vil gerne hjem nu”
I funkekasset diser funkestyveren med sin dangenak på olmsk saster, for at fakke a kultes - alt mens han byser sin roï oc knup.
14/10/2021 kl. 14:53 #167SneakySkunkRusher- E-peen: 55
OfflineTror jeg skal se den her en af dagene 🙂
- Dette svar blev ændret 3 år, 3 måneder siden af SneakySkunk.
14/10/2021 kl. 18:21 #168KenkariModerator- E-peen: 3,414
Offline#167: Den er udmærket. Ikke fantastisk, og ikke dårlig.. sådan.. hjernedød underholdning 🙂
"Arguing with retards is like playing chess with a pigeon: No matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, crap on the board and strut around like it's victorious"
14/10/2021 kl. 20:48 #169VampiricEyeRusher- E-peen: 3,876
Offline#165 Hahaha, hold kæft, hvor er det godt!
Nintendo Influencer
På dansk: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-6I6HgrpYjimEpvayLu3Vg
På engelsk: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNNzj5gu0Iolj4vcNIp1IUA
14/10/2021 kl. 21:24 #170NightBreakerModerator- E-peen: 1,600
Offline- Dette svar blev ændret 3 år, 3 måneder siden af NightBreaker.
15/10/2021 kl. 10:38 #171EmilsaRusher- E-peen: 1,267
OfflineI funkekasset diser funkestyveren med sin dangenak på olmsk saster, for at fakke a kultes - alt mens han byser sin roï oc knup.
15/10/2021 kl. 13:31 #172KimozabiRusher- E-peen: 132
Offline15/10/2021 kl. 22:17 #173NightBreakerModerator- E-peen: 1,600
OfflineNår man ikke kender til NFL hold overhovedet.
20/10/2021 kl. 14:44 #174PaybacktimeRusher- E-peen: 1,245
OfflineEvergreen tweet:
TSA agent (checking my ID): "Hawk, like that skateboarder Tony Hawk!"
Me: exactly
Her: "Cool, I wonder what he's up to these days"
Me: this— Tony Hawk (@tonyhawk) March 21, 2017
I ain't got time to bleed
20/10/2021 kl. 15:05 #175SneakySkunkRusher- E-peen: 55
OfflineVil prøve at lave egne chokoladebar. Poster her når jeg har samlet det hele og kommer i gang!
20/10/2021 kl. 22:02 #176VxChemicalRusher- E-peen: 406
Offline21/10/2021 kl. 12:17 #177EmilsaRusher- E-peen: 1,267
OfflineJeg arbejder hårdt på at få overbevist min kone om at vi skal på ferie til Nigeria – Street Food er et bærende argument, men nu har jeg tilføjet heste væddeløb i Ørkenbyer – Det satme intenst.
I funkekasset diser funkestyveren med sin dangenak på olmsk saster, for at fakke a kultes - alt mens han byser sin roï oc knup.
21/10/2021 kl. 14:32 #178DeadlightsRusher- E-peen: 1,382
Online22/10/2021 kl. 17:15 #179-dut-Rusher- E-peen: 1,326
Offline#176 what!, du har allerede lagt den herind, så må jeg hellere slette mit indlæg.
22/10/2021 kl. 20:03 #180VampiricEyeRusher- E-peen: 3,876
Offline -
- Du skal være logget ind som bruger for at kunne svare...