Forside › Fora › Politik/Samfund › Borgerforslag : Danmark skal fordømme israelske krigsforbrydelser i Gaza › Svar til: Borgerforslag : Danmark skal fordømme israelske krigsforbrydelser i Gaza
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@shlomoyitz this is the story of how I got out of zionism there is obviously much more to say, but I want to be clear here: every single thing I learned from Palestinians. please do not listen to my voice over Palestinian voices. if you are moved by what I said literally every single Palestinian has 100000 more stories and can teach you WAY more than I can. start listening to PALESTINIANS. it should not have to take a white male jew to tell you to listen to Palestinians. none of us are free until all of us are free. please, let’s get over our fragility and just start to listen. Being open to Palestinians freed from my internalized white supremacy, patriarchy, self hatred, chronic pain and fear paradigm that was destroying my life. We need to compost our fear and fragility and start to listen and unlearn colonial white supremacy- we have to in order to get free #jewsforpalestine #fyp #freepalestine #jewsagainstzionism #collectiveliberation
I funkekasset diser funkestyveren med sin dangenak på olmsk saster, for at fakke a kultes - alt mens han byser sin roï oc knup.